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해양수산분야 기후변화 영향, 전망과 평가 정보의 현황 및 제공
Impacts, projections and assessments related to climate change in ocean and fisheries
한인성*†・ 이준수* ・ 김창신**・ 양준용*
Han, In-Seong*† Lee, Joon-Soo* Kim, Changsin** and Yang, Joon-Yong*
The ocean ecosystem and fisheries are highly vulnerable to climate change due to ocean warming, ocean acidification and extreme weather events in Korea. To overcome these vulnerabilities to climate change in ocean ecosystem and fisheries, effective adaptation strategies are needed based on scientific monitoring, accurate prediction/projection technologies and risk and vulnerability assessments based on these data. Data on ocean warming and its ecosystem impacts in Korean waters have been collected since 1968 by the National Institute of Fisheries Science. Information and data on ocean acidification in the Korea Waters are also shared with global observation network from 2020 . Real-time water temperature information is also collected and managed by the National Institute of Fisheries Science based on 180 coastal data collection stations along the Korean coast. To understand future fisheries conditions in Korean waters, projected monthly ocean data with water temperature, salinity and ocean currents until 2100 are also provided by the National Institute of Fisheries Science. These observed and projected data are used to assess the risk and vulnerability of fisheries in Korea. Fisheries in Korea are very complex and diverse. For future projection of fisheries in Korea, physical and biological ocean prediction data with high spatial resolution and short intervals are required. From such projections, it is possible to create effective adaptation strategies for sustainable fisheries to ensure food security.
Ocean Warming, Ocean Acidification, Impacts, Projection, Assessments, Fisheries