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지자체 기후위기 적응대책의 현황 및 특성 분석
The status and characteristics of local climate change adaptation plans in Korea
Park, Jin-Han
As climate change becomes more serious, mitigation and adaptation are becoming increasingly important. A local approach is important for climate change adaptation. In Korea, local government adaptation plans have been mandatory since 2010, and have been strengthened since the implementation of the Framework Act on Carbon Neutral Green Growth to Response to the Climate Crisis in 2022. Therefore, in this study, the current status and characteristics of local government adaptation plans were analyzed through keyword frequency. The study found that most plans were implemented in the health sector.
Plans related to heat waves accounted for 48% of those in analysis by keyword ‘climate hazards,’ and adaptation plans for vulnerable groups mainly focused on the elderly. By sector and by climate hazards, health plans most often related to heat waves. The current characteristics of local governments were well reflected in the plans, but those against sea level rise and strong winds were insufficient. The significance of this study is that it analyzed the status and characteristics of local government plans being implemented and it presents the current status of local government adaptation plans and future actions for improvement.
Global Warming, Climate Change Policy, Climate Risk, Governance, Environmental Plan