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일반인 인식조사를 통한 도시가뭄 정책의 개선방향: 한국과 캘리포니아를 대상으로
Lessons from Public Attitudes toward Water Management and Drought in South Korea and California, USA
최희선* ,신동원**†
Choi, Hee-Sun* and Shin, Dong Won**
With the increase in frequency of extreme climate events, the environmental and economic damage caused by drought is
intensifying in many countries, including South Korea, the United States, and Australia. California, which has experienced severe
levels of drought since 2012, has responded through various policy measures. In this study, through a survey of awareness of
drought and policy preferences among the citizens of South Korea and the residents of California, USA, we investigated the
differences in social, policy, and climatic experiences associated with drought. Based on the results, we present implications for
policy implementation. Compared to other types of climate change events, drought has a wide influence however, there is
generally a low level of direct public awareness, which is required for effective implementation of policy and promotion of citizen
participation. Furthermore, policy implementation should be differentiated based on factors such as culture or age group. In South
Korea, which has experienced fewer periodic drought events than California, the current severity of drought is perceived more
widely as a part of the climate change phenomena. In addition, in Korea, there is a greater demand for public- and municipal-level
policy implementation rather than at the household and individual levels, which should be considered in establishing policy
direction. The efficiency of policy implementation depends on level of citizen awareness and participation. This study is significant
as it highlights the need for public awareness-based policy promotion through examination of the differences in level of citizen
awareness of droughts and drought policies and assessment of public perception in the two countries.
Extreme Event, Millenium Drought, Urban Drought, Resilience, Perception, Precipitation