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철도수송부문 온실가스 배출 요인 분해분석
Decomposition Analysis on Greenhouse Gas Emission of Railway Transportation Sector
Lee, Jaehyung
In this paper, I analyze the GHG (greenhouse gas) emission factor of the domestic railway transportation sector
using the LMDI (Log Mean Divisia Index) methodology. These GHG factors are the emission factor effect, energy
intensity effect, transportation intensity effect, and economic activity effect. The analysis period was from 2011 to
2016, and the analysis objects were an intercity railway, wide area railway, and urban railway. The results show
that the GHG emission of railway transportation sector decreased during these 6 years. The factors decreasing the
GHG emission are the emission factor effect, energy intensity effect, and transportation intensity effect, while the
factor increasing the GHG emission is the economic activity effect.
Railway Transportation, Greenhouse Gas Emission, Decomposition Analysis, Log;Mean Divisia Index (LMDI)