
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
코로나19 감염병이 건물 유형별 온실가스 배출에 미친 영향 실증 분석
An empirical analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on building greenhouse gas emissions in Seoul
백종락* ․ 황인창**† ․ 이현정*
Baek, Jong-rak* ・ Hwang, In Chang**† and Lee, Hyun Jung*
This study compared the annual per-unit area greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings in Seoul from 2017 to
2019, with those from 2020 to 2023. The objective was to empirically analyze how changes in building occupant behavior due to COVID-19 impacted GHG emissions from buildings. The analysis utilized the ‘Seoul Building GHG Emission
Database,’ which integrates building information and monthly energy supply data (electricity, LNG, district heating) for all buildings in Seoul. The analysis revealed that behavioral changes induced by the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily reduced overall GHG emissions from buildings in Seoul by approximately 3% on an annual basis. GHG emissions from commercial buildings (49.4%) and residential buildings (50.6%) in Seoul were nearly identical. While emissions from commercial buildings decreased by 4.6%, those from residential buildings increased by 1.1%. However, these GHG reductions were observed only immediately after the introduction of social distancing measures and subsequently reverted to the pre-2019 levels. Additionally, the reductions primarily were driven by non-residential buildings, while emissions from residential buildings increased. Even after the easing of social distancing measures, the increased emissions from residential buildings did not return to previous levels. In 2022, there was an observed increase in GHG emissions compared to pre-COVID-19 level. The findings of this study can serve as a foundation for emission reduction scenarios through behavioral improvements and for policies aimed at encouraging such improvements.
GHG Emission Intensity, Korea Building Energy Integrated Database, COVID-19, Behavioral Changes, Carbon Neutrality