
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
파리협정 제6조의 승인에 대한 연구: 환경건전성을 중심으로
Research on the authorization of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: Focusing on environmental integrity
Nam, Eunbin
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement introduces the concept of international carbon markets based on voluntary cooperation.
The ITMO authorization process which is critical for determining corresponding adjustments, faces controversy regarding
the timing and scope of changes. However, there is a consensus on aligning it with the environmental integrity principle
to prevent a net increase in global greenhouse gas emissions from Article 6 activities. Therefore, this study extracts three
key elements of environmental integrity related to ITMO authorization, including robust accounting, use of ITMOs toward
Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) or Other International Mitigation Purposes (OIMP) after actual mitigation
outcome occurred, and the credibility of the market participants, and analyzes the impact of each possible authorization
timings and changes of Article 6.2 and 6.4 through scenario-based analysis. The study reveals that authorization after the
occurrence of mitigation outcomes before issuance can better preserve environmental integrity. Also, the changes of the
authorization purpose after the first transfer may decrease market participants’ trust and produce administrative inefficiencies.
Finally, if authorization is revoked after the first transfer, it could result in a net increase in emissions, ultimately
undermining environmental integrity. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of appropriate authorization
timing considering the flexibility of the ITMO usage plan and conservative approach to any authorization modifications due
to its potential to undermine environmental integrity while safeguarding unexpected situations involving carbon reversals
or leakages.
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, International Carbon Market, Article 6 Authorization, Environmental Integrity, ITMO (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcome) Authorization