
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
도시 지표 특성 반영을 통한 여름철 기온 통계적 상세화 개선
Improvement of statistical downscaling for summer temperature in urban areas by considering urban surface characteristics
양호진* ․ 이채연**† ․ 지준범**
Yang, Ho-Jin* ・ Yi, Chaeyeon**† and Jee, Joon-Bum**
Due to the recent increase in heatwave intensity and frequency, there is a growing demand for high-resolution temperature information for heatwave impact assessment and response. Particularly in urban areas vulnerable to heatwaves, there is a need for high-resolution temperature information that reflects the unique characteristics of the urban surface. In this study, statistical interpolation using spatial information representing surface characteristics of urban areas in Korea was applied to downscale the 5km-resolution Korea Meteorological Administration temperature data to a finer 1km resolution. Using national spatial information, terrain variables reflecting topographical features were computed, as were urban surface variables representing the characteristics of urban areas. Applying terrain variables and urban surface variables, we statistically downscaled temperature information and analyzed temperature observations from meteorological stations operated by both the Korea Meteorological Administration and KT Telecommunication within the urban area. The temperature observation data from KT, which are from an urban environment, was more suitable for analyzing the downscaled data focusing on urban areas. In addition, the temperature downscaling results with the addition of urban surface variables produced more realistic urban temperatures compared to the temperature downscaling results using only terrain variables. The application of urban surface variables is expected to contribute to the production of realistic temperature data reflecting conditions according to the spatial distribution of urban areas. This can provide valuable information for analyzing urban heat vulnerability, establishing countermeasures, and developing plans to improve urban thermal environments.
Urban Heatwaves, Urban Temperature, Urban Surface Variables, Urban Temperature Spatial Distribution, Statistical Downscaling