
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
서울특별시 반지하 가구를 고려한 홍수 취약성 평가
Assessment of flood vulnerability of semi-basement households in Seoul
음정인* ․ 김형규**†
Eum, Jeongin* and Kim, Hyungkyoo**†
This study estimated the number of semi-basement households in Seoul and evaluated their flood vulnerability at the
administrative dong level, taking various factors into consideration. Vulnerability assessment indicators, including the
percentages of semi-basement households, were selected based on previous studies and consisted of a total of 26 indicators, considering exposure, sensitivity, and adaptability. Social, economic, environmental, and integrated flood vulnerability were all considered in multidimensional evaluation of both flood vulnerability and the multidimensionality of damage. Vulnerability assessment was conducted by calculating and evaluating vulnerability for each dimension. Subsequently, integrated flood vulnerability was assessed by summing the values of the social, economic, and environmental categories and interpreted in comparison to flood inundation maps. The evaluation results showed that in all vulnerability categories, more than half of the administrative dongs in Seoul exhibited high vulnerability. For social flood vulnerability, in particular, the highest number of administrative dongs had a "very high" rating among the four vulnerability categories, indicating a significant potential for population and social system damage in the event of a flood. Additionally, integrated flood vulnerability exhibited very high results in Seoul's southwestern and northeastern areas. These study findings are expected to contribute to region-specific flood response and policy prioritization aimed at reducing semi-basement dwelling damage. Furthermore, identifying the number of semi-basement households in Seoul and demonstrating their societal flood vulnerability can be utilized as valuable data for the purpose of reducing damage to such households.
Urban Flood, Semi-Basement Household, Flood Vulnerability, Vulnerability Index