
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
기후위기 대응을 위한 생태계 통합정보시스템 구축 전략과 사례 연구
Strategy and case analysis for eco-climate integrated information system
옥기영*† ․ 노동현** ․ 이효혜미*** ․ 박은진****
Ock, Giyoung*† No, Donghyeon** Lee, Hyohyemi*** and Park, Eun-Jin****
To achieve ‘2050 carbon neutrality’ and ‘2030 nature positive’ in response to the climate crisis, the Korean government
has established a list of ecosystem risks on climate change and legislated the Carbon Neutrality Act to build a climate
adaptation information system. The present study investigated various data sets required for climate change-induced ecosystem risks and analyzed such sets from different institutions. In addition, we investigated domestic ecological data portals and some overseas cases focusing on climate adaptation data platforms in the US and EU, for determination of the direction of integrated data-based management for various and complex ecosystem risks to climate change. We found important implications for building an eco-climate integrated information system in terms of climate adaptation data, integrating multi- agency data, automatic observation data, data sharing, and simulation tools. Finally, we designed a system architecture for building the information platform systematically, in the order of data collection, data integration & management, ecosystem analysis & prediction, and application. Through building the integrated information system, we expect not only to establish national standardization of climate adaptation data to diagnose the drivers of climate change and to predict ecosystem change, but also to improve accuracy of prediction models and cooperation among government agency on climate crisis.
Climate Crisis Adaptation, Ecosystem Risks, Integrated Information System, Climate Adaptation Data