
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
산림부문 기후변화 적응 정보의 실효성 제고를 위한 고찰
Considerations for enhancing the effectiveness of climate change adaptation information in the forest sector
박고은*† ・ 정종빈** ・ 최원일*** ・ 김은숙* ・ 양희문***
Park, Go Eun*† Jung, Jong bin** Choi, Won Il*** Kim, Eun-sook* and Yang, Hee Moon***
Forest is one of the representative territorial ecosystems which contributes to mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon in the air and also is exposed to climate change pressure. Due to forest is under climate change pressure, adaptation is necessary to forest sector to sustain or enhancing forest ecosystem services and contribution to mitigation. Considering long-life span of forest ecosystem, the effects of adaptation measures in the forest emerges in long-term, while the climate change can affect the forest immediately. Therefore, scientific information-based decision making on adaptation is needed to avoid maladaptation. This study aims to examine the conditions for producing information supporting adaptation of Korea's forestry sector and suggest matters to be considered to increase the effectiveness of the information. The duty of the climate change impact assessment and vulnerability in forest sector has been legislated since 2015. And the standardized methodology on investigating and assessing impact in forest sector has been developed. Regarding facilitate the effectiveness of adaptation information, we found challenges as following points; establishment of vulnerability assessment mechanism, integrative impact assessment, strengthen research on monitoring and assessment after adaptation action, establishment of adaptation feedback loops, sustaining developing methodology on investigation and assessment, and the other relevant efforts to enhance quality of impact assessment.
Climate Changes Adaptation, Impact Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment