
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
기후기술 인재관리 정보체계 수립을 위한 전문가 인식유형 연구
A study on expert perceptions for establishment of a human resource information management system in climate technology
이현지* ․ 정용운** ․ 손상학*** ․ 김다은****†
Lee, Hyun Ji* ・ Chung, Yong Woon** ・ Sohn, Sang Hak*** and Kim, Da Eun****†
This study applied the Q methodology to classify the types of expert perceptions on establishment of a climate technology human resource information management system. Expert interviews and literature review were conducted on the definitions and scopes of the climate technology workforce, workforce classification system, government response, and talent competency education, and a total of 28 statements was composed. A total of 30 respondents (10 in the climate technology field, 10 in the environmental industry, and 10 in the workforce statistics field) was surveyed, and the results were analyzed through Q-method Software. The analysis revealed four perception types: Type 1, the multi-disciplinary workforce inclusivist; Type 2, workforce statistics indicator manager; Type 3, workforce qualification-oriented type; and Type 4, industrial workforce development advocate. This study examines the characteristics of each of the four types and identifies consensual and controversial opinions among them. The results can be reflected in the establishment of a human resource information management system (definition, workforce classification system, statistics) or used to review additional issues. The significance of the research lies in the attempt to understand differences in perspectives among stakeholders by considering the expert characteristics included in each type.
Carbon Neutrality, Climate Technology, Human Resource Information Management System, Q Methodology, Expert Perception