
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
부생수소 활용을 통한 온실가스 감축량 산정방법론 연구
A methodology for greenhouse gas emission reduction using by-product hydrogen
김현창* ․ 박승준**†
Kim, Hyun-Chang* and Park, Seung Joon**†
In response to the energy supply chain crisis, the world has scrambled to announce a Net-Zero policy: in line with this, the Korean government is also looking to select hydrogen as a new growth engine and transition to a hydrogen economy. In this regard, this study aims to help companies that use hydrogen as a raw material, especially those located in petrochemical complexes where by-product hydrogen is generated, to re-use by-product hydrogen in place of the hydrogen extraction process, thereby securing raw materials and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to develop a methodology that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and analyze the economic effects expected when applying this methodology. A greenhouse gas reduction methodology that uses by-product hydrogen to replace hydrogen obtained through extraction was developed and applied to I chemical to calculate the expected greenhouse gas reduction and analyze the economic effect of securing greenhouse gas emission rights. The final amount of greenhouse gas reduction was 55,792 tCO2-eq. The profit from securing greenhouse gas emission rights was estimated to be about 1,156 million Korean won when reflecting the KOC’s average transaction price of 20,728 won in 2022. Re-use of by-product hydrogen can contribute to a smooth transition to a hydrogen economy in Korea.
By-Product Hydrogen, Extracted Hydrogen, Methodology, Greenhouse Gas