
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
전력산업의 정의로운 전환: 독일 탈석탄 사례를 중심으로
Just transition in the power industry: Lessons from the German case
박경원* ․ 이지웅**†
Park, Kyoung Won* and Lee, Jiwoong**†
Following the declaration of carbon neutrality by 2050, there has been a notable increase in policy and social discussions concerning a just transition within the coal power sector. In Korea, however, the process of formulating relevant policies has thus far predominantly employed a top-down approach, lacking the socially equitable principles integral to a just transition. Within the context of the carbon-neutral roadmap, a just transition emphasizes the need for proactive measures such as supporting restructuring efforts and adopting an integrated approach towards affected regions, as opposed to passive methods such as compensations or exceptions based on coal phase-out policies. Using the case of Germany's coal phase-out as a base model, this study investigates the current discussion surrounding just transition and the roadmap for decommissioning coal-fired power plants alongside the restructuring process of the coal industry in Korea. Through a comparative analysis of just transition efforts in Germany and Korea, we derive policy implications critical to realizing a just transition within the electric power industry.
Climate Change, Just Transition, Coal Phase-out, Comparative Analysis