
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
사회불안 지표를 반영한 폭염 취약성 평가
Heat wave vulnerability assessment reflecting social anxiety
오후* ․ 원정훈**†
Oh, Hoo* and Won, Jeong-hun**†
Identifying the groups and regions vulnerable to heat wave is important to proactively prevent the continued increase in
damage related to climate change. Even though the IPCC has presented a heat wave vulnerability assessment methodology based on exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, socio-structural factors should be included since the damage caused by heat wave is affected by socio-structural factors. This study developed a heat wave vulnerability assessment methodology reflecting social anxiety defined socio-structural factors as well as exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. For 229 local government regions, the heat wave vulnerability assessment was carried out considering social anxiety. The influence of social anxiety indicators was analyzed by comparing the results of vulnerability assessment with or without social anxiety. Results showed that regions with relatively high heat wave vulnerability shared negative indicators of exposure, sensitivity, and social anxiety. In some local governments, vulnerability to heat wave increased due with consideration of social anxiety indicators. These results could lead to meaningful discussion in emphasizing the social risks caused by heat waves and in recognizing heat waves as a type of social disaster.
Heat Wave, Climate Crisis, Vulnerability Assessment, Social Anxiety