
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
시민 설문조사를 통한 생활계 온실가스 배출 특성 분석
Characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions in daily life identified by a citizens' survey
Myeong, Soojeong
This study attempts to estimate GHG emissions from major areas of daily life through a citizen survey in order to
understand the characteristics of GHG emissions in the daily life sector and to provide basic data necessary for establishing the climate change policy. This study develops an estimation method for GHG emissions reflecting recent trends such as national emission factors focusing on household fuel use, electricity use, water use, solid waste discharge and the transportation. The method uses the collected data obtained from a citizen survey to calculate monthly GHG emissions per capita by sector. The average daily GHG emissions were 228 kgCO2eq/person/month. The transportation sector was found to emit the most GHG, 133.17 kgCO2eq/person/month, followed by electricity consumption 43.24, fuel consumption 42.56, solid waste discharge 5.28, and water consumption 3.74. This result shows an overall increase in GHG emissions compared to that of the previous study conducted in 2010, except the transportation sector which shows a decrease due to the impact of COVID-19. In detail, in the case of household size, the smaller the number of household members, the more GHGs are emitted in daily life. Men generally emit more GHGs than women, and the transportation sector shows a tendency to emit more GHGs. In the case of residential areas, provincial areas tend to emit more emissions than the large and metropolitan area. In particular, the transportation sector produces more emissions, which can be interpreted as the lack of public transportation infrastructure in such smaller cities and villages.
Climate Change, Citizen, Survey, Daily Life, Greenhouse Gas Emission