
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
지자체 기후변화 적응대책 세부시행계획 및 제6차 지역산림계획의 주요 사업 분석과 개선 방안
Analysis of Detailed action plans for climate change adaptation measures and the 6th Regional forest plans with suggestion for improvements
손지원* ․ 송철호**†․ 홍민아**․ 이우균***․ 허민정****․ 고영진****
Son, Jiwon* Song, Cholho**† Hong, Mina** Lee, Woo-Kyun*** Heo, Minjeong**** and Ko, YoungJin****
In the current context, with the increasing importance of adaptation to climate change, South Korea is establishing detailed plans for national, metropolitan, and local climate change adaptation measures at both national and regional levels. Forests, which serve as major greenhouse gas sinks and occupy about two-thirds of the country’s territory, are crucial for adapting to climate change. This study attempted to quantitatively assess the status of forest management projects concerning climate change adaptation by analyzing Metropolitan and Local plans and the 6th Regional forest plans. These three reports showed high nationwide implementation rates greater than 75%. Tasks related to forest management and ecosystem services were most widely distributed in Regional forest plans, while ecosystem conservation tasks were included in Metropolitan plans, and afforestation tasks were included in Local plans. These results can assist in future policies and project planning related to climate change adaptation in the forestry sector at national and regional levels, helping to integrate forestry and climate change adaptation policies. Moreover, national guidelines can be based on this study, which also highlights the possibility of a systematic relationship among national and local governments regarding climate change adaptation policies in the forestry sector.
Climate Change, Forest Sector, Policy-making, Detailed Plans for Local Climate Change Adaptation Measures, Regional Forest Plans, National Risks