
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
기후불평등의 공간적 평가: 서울시 홍수재해를 대상으로
Spatial assessment of climate inequality: Focusing on flooding in Seoul
박지수* · 임철희**†
Park, Ji-Su* and Lim, Chul-Hee**†
With climate change, the risk of climate-related disasters has increased, and the extent of this risk varies depending on social and economic conditions. In South Korea, climate inequality was highlighted through the concentrated heavy rainfall in the central region in August 2022, which resulted in significant casualties and property damage among vulnerable populations. Given the need to consider vulnerable groups who struggle to adapt to anticipated climate crisis situations and to reduce disparities among groups, this study aims to spatially identify flood inequality in Seoul to contribute to tailored policies for the region. The evaluation of inequality includes factors such as extreme precipitation data, socially vulnerable populations, and vulnerable residential areas. It also incorporates greenhouse gas emissions, which are the cause of climate change, to examine the correlation between high greenhouse gas emitting groups and groups with high climate risk. All the information was implemented as spatial data at the administrative district level for spatial analysis. The analysis results revealed a concentration of socially vulnerable populations in the northern region of Seoul. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the residential environment or expand infrastructure for the vulnerable in this and other such areas Flood-prone areas are widely distributed in the south, requiring policies on flood prevention and safety. Overall, the western region of Seoul showed higher inequality. This analysis identified the degree and characteristics of inequality in different regions, highlighting the need for follow-up studies to establish practical policies through integration with climate adaptation strategies.
Climate Change, Flood Inequality, Spatial Analysis, Vulnerability, Greenhouse Gas Emissions