
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
국제기후협력 메커니즘을 고려한 한반도 기후기술협력 방안 연구 : 기후기술센터네트워크(CTCN) 기술지원 사례를 중심으로
Identifying strategies for climate technology cooperation on the Korean Peninsula : Focusing on the climate technology center & network
박예지* ․ 임철희**†
Park, YeJi* and Lim, Chul-hee**†
North Korea, despite being highly exposed to climate risks, faces challenges in responding adequately to climate change. Political constraints impede bilateral cooperation between North and South Korea, necessitating a joint response to the climate crisis at the Korean Peninsula level. This study aims to develop a sustainable joint response using the Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN), an initiative under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The study compares North Korea's technology demands from international documents with promising technologies available in the Republic of Korea through an analysis of CTCN network member organizations. By analyzing CTCN Technical Assistance (TA) projects completed in similar countries like Myanmar, Thailand, and Pakistan, implications for the Korean Peninsula are derived. Promising areas for cooperation within climate technology fields, including water, energy efficiency, and renewable energy, are identified. The study highlights potential advantages of CTCN TA for North Korea, such as project expansion through linkages with financial mechanisms like the Green Climate Fund, strengthening the government's response capacity to climate change, and establishing legal and institutional frameworks related to climate change. To facilitate collaboration, the study proposes a bypass multilateral cooperation model where the Republic of Korea's CTCN network member organizations serve as implementers for projects requested by North Korea. In summary, this study emphasizes the need for multilateral cooperation to address climate change on the Korean Peninsula. Leveraging the CTCN platform and focusing on key climate technology areas offer opportunities for collaboration, project expansion, and enhanced response capacity.
Korean Peninsula Climate Cooperation, Climate Technology Cooperation, CTCN TA, UNFCCC, Inter-Korean Cooperation