
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
기후변화 취약 관광산업의 현황 및 적응방안 마련 연구
A Study on Current Status of the Tourism Industry and its Climate Adaptation Strategies
양혜미* ․ 조한나**†
Yang, Hyemi* ・ Cho, Hanna**†
According to an IPCC report on adaption and vulnerability, the damage and risks of the tourism industry are expected to accelerate due to the fact that the climate plays a significant role for tourists in deciding where and when to go for their holidays. Even though the tourism industry has become economically larger, there are not enough studies on how to adapt to climate change for the tourism industry and to deal with future damage and risks. Here, this study aims to analyze the current status of damage and risks for the tourism industry and their adaptation capacity through newspapers review and focused group interview. This paper also proposes appropriate adaptation measures. In this paper, the three most vulnerable sectors in tourism in association with climate change impact were identified as follows: ecological festivals, the ski industry, and the beach. Based on the current status of damage and risks due to climate change, adaptation measures for each sector were suggested. This paper is expected to be a milestone for research on climate change adaptation for the tourism industry.
Climate Change Adaptation, Sustainable Tourism, Ecological Festival, Ski Industry, Beach