
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
빅데이터를 이용한 서울시 주거용 건물에너지 소비 실증 분석
Driving Factors of Residential Building Energy Consumption in Seoul
이선주* ․ 유종현**†
Lee, Sunju* and Yoo, Jonghyun**†
On the path to a zero-carbon city, reducing residential energy consumption - the largest contributor to city greenhouse gas emissions - is critical. This study examines the impacts of building characteristics and temperature on residential electricity and gas consumption in Seoul. This study utilized two large datasets: building-level energy consumption data and microclimate data from 1,100 sensors throughout Seoul to reflect perceived building temperatures. Results show that electricity use follows a well-known U-shape relationship with temperature, with a 1°C change in summer or winter leading to a 3 ~ 4% increase in electricity use. Gas consumption for heating, on the other hand, is highest at extremely low temperatures, with a 1°C decrease in winter leading to a 3% increase. Furthermore, electricity consumption is associated with land price, with higher economic levels resulting in more electricity use. These findings underscore the importance of efficient demand-side electricity management as Seoul faces increasing electricity demand due to rising temperatures and growing economic levels.
Climate Change, Residential Energy Consumption, Zero-carbon City, Microclimate, Big Data