
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
구조용 제재목 이용 활성화에 따른 탄소저장량 증가효과 평가
Evaluation of Carbon Storage Enhancement Effect by Activating Utilization of Structural Sawnwood
장윤성*† ․ 신중훈** ․ 김영환***
Chang, Yoon Seong*† ・ Shin, Joong Hoon** and Kim, Young Hwan***
The world has been paying attention to the role of forests and timber, which are nature-based carbon sinks, for the transition to a carbon-neutral society. In order to participate in global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Korea developed a strategy for carbon neutrality in the forest sector in 2050. Long-lived wood products based on sustainable forest management could contribute to the national goal for carbon neutrality by storing carbon for a long time and replacing fossil-based carbon-intensive materials. In this study, the effect of carbon storage in wood products was analyzed according to the strategy for promoting the use of wood in the ‘A strategy for carbon neutrality in the forest sector in 2050’. With the assumption that there will be a domestic roundwood yield of 800 million m3 in 2050, if the proportion of structural sawnwood among total sawnwood usage is increased to 60%, it could secure 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide storage by 2050. It is expected that the results of this study can be used as basic data for revitalizing wooden public buildings and establishing policies to promote the recycling of timber resources.
Long-lived Wood Product, Carbon Stock, Half-life, Carbon Neutrality, Forest Sector