
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
한국의 기후기술산업 인력수요 전망과 정책적 시사점
Labor Force Demand Forecast and Policy Implications in the Korean Climate Technology Industry
정용운* ․ 이우성** ․ 이승철*** ․ 김다은****†
Chung, Yong Woon* ・ Lee, Woo Sung** ・ Lee, Seung Chul*** and Kim, Da Eun****†
Amidst the international community's competition for technological supremacy regarding carbon neutrality and the climate crisis, Korea needs to accumulate technological capabilities and gain a competitive advantage by fostering professionals in the field of climate technology.
In particular, Korea urgently needs a mid- to long-term labor force development plan and a labor force demand forecast to support it.
Therefore, this study conducted a mid- to long-term labor force demand forecast for each climate technology and industrial sector by linking climate technology industrial statistics and standard industrial classification statistics. Forecast results for the industrial sector indicate high demand for labor force in R&D, electrical and electronics, and chemical industries. Forecast results for the climate technology sector suggest that the labor force demand in energy production and efficiency sectors such as energy demand and storage, renewable energy, and power IT is high. Other results indicate that the growth rate for labor force demand in the climate technology adaptation field is relatively high, and that multi-disciplinary sectors have the highest labor force demand. Therefore, it is imperative to design and implement climate technology labor force development policies for climate technology and related industries with high demand for mid- to long-term labor force, and to increase cooperation among Korean ministries to foster interdisciplinary professionals in climate technology fields.
Carbon Neutrality, Climate Technology, Labor Force Demand, Labor Force Development