
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
딥러닝을 이용한 주요항만별 LNG 벙커링 수요예측 연구
Demand Forecasting for Liquified Natural Gas Bunkering at Major Ports in South Korea
채기영* ․ 이철용**†
Chae, Gi-Young* and Lee, Chul-Yong**†
Environmental regulations on ship exhaust emissions are being strengthened by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) and the Korean government. Stakeholders consider liquified natural gas (LNG) to be the most realistic alternative to
existing fuels. This study predicted the LNG bunkering demand of five major domestic ports: Busan Port, Ulsan Port, Incheon
Port, Pyeongtaek and Dangjin Port, and Gwangyang Port. Forecasting using recent performance data and deep learning
techniques found that the LNG bunkering demand at Busan Port will increase from 220,000 tons in 2025 to 580,000 tons in
2040. The demand for LNG bunkering at Busan Port was the greatest, followed by Gwangyang Port, Ulsan Port, Pyeongtaek
and Dangjin Port, and Incheon Port. The results of this study can be used as important data for the establishment of
government carbon-neutral policies and, in terms of industry, it can be used as key data for investment decisions regarding
LNG bunkering facilities and LNG-powered ship construction.
LNG Bunkering, Demand Forecasting, Port, Regulations for Ship Exhaust Emissions, Deep Learning