
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
산업계의 기후변화 적응 전략 수립 방향
A Study on the Development of Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Industrial Sector
이준범* ․ 조한나**†
Lee, Junbeom* and Cho, Hanna**†
Losses and damages caused by climate change are occurring in various forms and are gradually increasing. These damages are directly or indirectly affecting the industry sector, which is in need of strategies or plans to adapt to climate change. In this study, existing measures were identified to establish strategies and plans for adaptation to climate change in the industry, and guidelines related to management, environment, and climate change were analyzed to reflect the characteristics of the industry and international trends. Based on this, the steps and contents necessary for an industry adaptation strategy are presented. In the first stage of the preliminary plan, the company analyzes the business status and organization of the company and reviews internal policies such as the role of management and board of directors on climate change and the scope of information disclosure. The second stage is to identify the impact of climate change, identify risks and opportunities caused by climate change, and identify the direct and indirect impacts on companies. The third stage is to establish a climate change adaptation strategy upon which to set goals and establish plans. In the fourth stage, an implementation plan is established and implemented, and a monitoring and reporting system for implementation is established.
Climate Change Adaptation, Business Sector Adaptation Management, Sustainable Management, ESG, Climate
Change, Physical Climate Risk Management