
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
생태계 부문의 기후변화 적응 갭 분석
Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Gap in the Ecosystem
김미래* ․ 박진한**† ․ 송영일*** ․ 박찬****
Kim, Mirae* ・ Park, Jin-Han**† ・ Song, Young-Il*** ・ Park, Chan****
As increasing the damage caused by climate change and attention of the people, the appearing of the terms ‘adaptation gap’,
‘adaptation goals’ are increasing. However, there are no clear definitions of these terms. This study defined climate change
adaptation gap as the difference between the adaptation goals and adaptation effort, set quantitative adaptation goals and analyzed
climate change adaptation gap. By analyzing the climate change adaptation gap, it can be evaluated the effectiveness of climate
change adaptation plans and directed the future national climate change adaptation plan. This study’s methodology is selecting
the index based on National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAP) Risk, assessment of data availability, setting quantitative
adaptation goals, driving the climate change adaptation gap and proposing the way to improve climate change adaptation plan
in the future. At this time, expert discussion was conducted to select the additional index and review national climate change
adaptation action plan. The important purpose of the study is to analyze the climate change adaptation gap by setting the
quantitative adaptation goals. Following this study’s methodology, intent to set up the quantitative adaptation goals, analyze the
adaptation gap and contribute to the establishment of national climate change adaptation plan in the future.
Environment Program, Policy Assessment, Implement Assessment, Quantitative Adaptation Goals, National
Climate Change Adaptation Plan