
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
연료전환을 위한 탄소가격 반영 정책 비교분석
Comparative Analysis of Policies Reflecting Carbon Prices for Fuel Conversion
유종민* ․ 이서진**†
Yu, Jongmin* ・ Lee, Seojin**†
To achieve national reduction goals, greenhouse gas reduction in the power eneration sector is important. Although the burden
of reduction is continually given to the power generation sector under the greenhouse gas emission trading system as a major policy
tool, criticism has been raised that the carbon price burden is not properly signaled. This paper aims to provide evidence of policies
that enable fuel conversion of power generation using permit allocation schemes. We conduct policy scenario analyses on fuel
conversion that allow policy makers to choose a microscopic permit-allocation policy considering the coal, natural gas, and carbon
market conditions.
Emission Trading Scheme, Fuel Conversion, Benchmark Allocation, Auctioning