
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
SSP 시나리오 기반 CORDEX-동아시아 2단계 다중 기후모델의 동아시아 지역 모의 성능평가 및 미래 전망 분석
Performance Evaluation and Future Projection of East Asian Climate using SSP Scenario-based CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Multi-RCM Simulations
김진욱*† ․ 김태준** ․ 김도현*** ․ 변영화**** ․ 장은철***** ․ 차동현****** ․ 안중배******* ․ 민승기********
Kim, Jin-Uk*† ・ Kim, Tae-Jun** ・ Kim, Do-Hyun*** ・ Byun, Young-Hwa**** ・ Chang, Eun-Chul***** ・ Cha, Dong-Hyun****** ・ Ahn, Joong-Bae******* ・ Min, Seung-Ki********
Recently, the CORDEX-East Asia team completed climate change simulations based on five regional climate models (RCM) under four
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios. In this study, the performance of five RCMs and their ensemble averages for present-day
climate simulations are evaluated. All RCMs have relatively high performance for climatology patterns for Korea, East China and Japan,
while relatively low performance is observed for the Tibetan plateau. Many RCMs share cold and wet biases. Future climate changes under
four SSP scenarios are analyzed for the end of 21st century (2081 ~ 2100) compared to present day (1995 ~ 2014). East Asia is expected
to experience temperature increases of 2.4℃ to 6.2℃ and precipitation increases of 6.7% to 12.6%, with stronger changes in higher-emission
scenarios. Among the five RCMs, HadGEM3-RA projects the largest increase in temperature while GRIMs is characterized by the strongest
increase in precipitation. In line with mean warming rates, warm extreme days (TX90p) are projected to increase by 35.7 ~ 93.3 days and
cold extreme days (TN10p) are projected to decrease by 23.4 ~ 35.2 days. The results of this study can be used as a reference for future
detailed analyses of East Asian climate change and its impacts as well as for emphasizing the importance of carbon neutrality.
CORDEX-EA Phase 2, SSP Scenarios, Climate Changes