
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
한국형 그린뉴딜의 온실가스 감축 잠재량 평가: 신재생에너지 보급지원 사업을 중심으로
Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential of the Korean Green New Deal: Focusing on the Support Programs of New and Renewable Energy Deployment
손인성* ․ 김동구**†
Son, Insung* ・ Kim, Dong Koo**†
This study evaluates the greenhouse gas reduction potential of the Korean Green New Deal, focusing on the support
programs of new and renewable energy deployment. For this purpose, the study reviews the Korean government's budget
for support programs related to new and renewable energy deployment and also analyzes the details of implementation of
the new and renewable energy deployment support programs of the Korea Energy Agency. As a result of the evaluation,
the total budget for the four programs (housing support, building support, convergence project support, and local project
support) is estimated to be approximately KRW 1.9 trillion from 2020 to 2025. The amount of greenhouse gas reduction
in 2025 achieved by the new and renewable energy facilities to be deployed through the four support programs between
2020 and 2025 is estimated to be about 1.07 million tons CO2eq. As such, the potential for greenhouse gas reduction of
the support programs was not very large. This is because the target of the support programs is not the power generation
company, but the energy consumer in houses and general buildings. We confirm that reduction of greenhouse gases in
large-scale fossil fuel power plants is essential to significantly reduce greenhouse gases in the energy transformation sector.
In order to expand self-generation and consumption of renewable energy, it is necessary to establish a system in which the
benefits from investment in renewable energy power generation facilities are directly returned to facility investors. To this
end, this study proposed an issuance of the Renewable Energy Point (REP) and the introduction of a power transmission
and distribution rate system. Furthermore, accurate information disclosure and steady evaluation of effectiveness are essential
to promote carbon neutrality through the Korean Green New Deal. The effectiveness of the Green New Deal should be
improved by transparently disclosing the specific programs covered by the budget and periodically checking the program
GHG Reduction Potential, Korean Green New Deal, Renewable Energy, Climate Change Mitigation