
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
국내 미세먼지 R&D 정책 효과성 제고 방안 연구: 증거기반정책수립 관점에서
Research on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Domestic Particulate Matter R&D Policy : From the Perspective of Evidence-based Policymaking
김태윤* ․ 문미라** ․ 박철호***†
Kim, Taeyoon* ・ Moon, Mira** ・ Park, Chul-Ho***†
Recently, evidence-based policymaking is highlighted among Anglo-American countries as a method to enhance policy success rates
by utilizing evidence in the poliymaking process to increase objective validity and achieve policy goals. Currently in Korea, particle
pollution has become an issue that highly affects the health of citizens, and the Korean government is putting in a large amount of
R&D budget to respond to it. For timely assessment and modifications to particulate matter R&D policies, this research utilized the
mixed research method and analyzed the current budget structure of particulate matter R&D through the NTIS, and conducted a survey
to both citizens and expert groups to gather basic data. Furthermore, an expert group written opinion was collected based on the factors
derived from the surveys to acquire a more in-depth opinion. Through utilizing the accumulated data and written opinion, this research
provided a policymaking case study in which opinion data can be formulated into evidence that could lead to future policy implications.
Evidence-based Policymaking, Mixed Research Method, Particulate Matter, R&D Policy