
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
생태계 기반 적응 사례 조사를 통한 기후변화 대응 정책에서의 활용 전략 연구
Strategy for Climate Change Actions based on Case Study of Ecosystem-based Adaptation
박진한* ․ 홍제우*† ․ 성선용**
Park, Jin-Han* ・ Hong, Je-Woo*† ・ Sung, Sunyong**
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) reduces risk or creates a buffer from the impact of climate change and has positive social
and economic benefits on local communities. In this study, EbA was defined through case study, and a list of policies and
technologies that can be applied for climate change adaptation policies in Korea was created. Previous studies EbA defined as
‘Using the ecosystem to reduce the impact of climate change, to establish, protect and manage mutually complementary
relationships for social and economic sustainability and sustainable ecosystems of local communities’. Based on case study, we
proposed EbA measures that can be applied to forest and grassland ecosystems, freshwater and wetland ecosystems, marine and
coastal ecosystems, and urban ecosystems and are applicable to local communities and related organizations. The significance of
this study is that the concept of EbA can be applied to South Korea and can classify technologies and policies for ecological
restoration by ecosystem. In addition, this study provided a framework that can be used to establish site-specific EbAs depending
on size.
Nature Based Solution (NBS), Ecosystem Restoration, Green Infrastructure, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Policy