
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
기술 메커니즘 주기적 평가와 기후기술센터네트워크 외부독립평가의 내용적 연계 고찰
: 정책통합 관점에서
Research on Substantive Alignment between Technology Mechanism’s Periodic
Assessment and the CTCN Independent Review:
From the Perspective of Policy Integration
김태윤* ․ 오채운**†
Kim, Taeyoon* ・ Oh, Chaewoon**†
One of the major agenda items of technology negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) in 2021 was the alignment between two review processes. One process is the independent review on the
Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), and the other process is the periodic assessment on the Technology
Mechanism, comprising the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the CTCN. The alignment of these two processes
has been considered due to the overlapping issues between them. This alignment has been discussed in terms of a procedure
and periodicity aspect, but not yet from a substantive aspect. Thus, this study considers and explores options for substantive
alignment through the lens of policy integration theory. For this, first, the evaluation criteria and evaluation elements between
the two review processes are compared and matched for potential alignment. Second, the potential options are analyzed in
terms of practical, financial, and administrative efficiency perspectives. Third, the extent of alignment (based on procedures
and substance) and the principles of alignment (based on efficiency and effectiveness) are considered. Finally, this paper
concludes with future negotiation implications.
Technology Mechanism, Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN), Independent Review, Periodic
Assessment, Policy Integration, Substantive Alignment