
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
정주지 부문 온실가스 인벤토리 산정을 위한 공간 범위별 이산화탄소 흡수량 비교 분석
- 서울시를 대상으로 -
Comparative Analysis on the Sequestration of CO2 Depending on Spatial Ranges for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Settlement
- In Case of Seoul -
홍세기* , 함보영** , 최솔이*** , 김휘진*** , 하람** , 박수경**** , 이우균*****†
Hong, Segi* , Ham, Boyoung** , Choi, Sol-E*** , Kim, Whijin*** , Ha, Ram** , Park, Sugyeong**** , Lee, Woo-Kyun*****†
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry includes the only carbon sink among greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, and the
significance of accurate statistics has increased. However, the exact amounts of GHG absorption and emissions cannot be
calculated due to the absence of definition and activity data in the settlement sector. Therefore, this study established the
concept and activity data of settlement area in South Korea by reviewing the definition suggested by IPCC and Annex 1
countries and calculated GHG absorption. Considering the possibility of connecting current MRV guidelines, exisiting national
statistics, country and urban planning data, and unifying management authority, settlement can be defined in three ways, as
a Land category, Urban area, and Urban & Plan management. The study built activity data based on concept 1 and 2, which
rarely overlap with the other land categories, and the study area is Seoul, with the largest proportion of settlements in the
country. Of the area of Korea, 10% was used as activity data based on systematic sampling, and GHG absorption was
estimated applying the factors identified by the IPCC. The result showed GHG absorption by ‘land category’ and ‘urban area’
of 72,990.7 tCO2·yr-1 and 201,287.73 tCO2·yr-1, respectively. This means that CO2 absorption can vary depending on the
factors that influence the area of vegetation within the settlement. The study identified the share of GHG statistics in
settlement sector based on outcomes and contributed to the basis for calculation at the national level.
LULUCF, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, Settlement, Activity Data