
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
기온과 토양 및 식물 표면 온도 변화
Relationship Between Air Temperature and Soil and Plant Surface Temperatures
Eom, Ki Cheol
This study focuses on changes in air, soil surface and plant surface temperature. The principle results are as follows: (1)
The ratio of change in soil and plant surface temperature to air temperature was 0.80-1.17 and 0.88-1.19oC/oC, respectively.
(2) The difference in temperature between air temperature and soil and plant surface temperature was a linearly decreasing
function of soil surface temperature and plant surface temperature, respectively. (3) A model for estimating air, soil surface
and plant surface temperature was developed as a trigonometric function form (TFM) with Root mean square error (RMSE)
of 1.75, 1.90-2.41 and 1.85-2.21oC, and NSE of 0.51, 0.37-0.58 and 0.39-0.61, respectively. (4) The longer change frequency
the sooner inflection point for air, soil surface and plant surface temperature.
Soil Surface Temperature, Plant Surface Temperature, TFM (Trigonometric Function Model), RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient)