
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
CDM 사업의 온실가스 한계감축비용 추정: 말레이시아
Estimation of the Marginal Abatement Costs of Projects: Malaysia
Kim, Sooin
National greenhouse gas emission reduction targets should be realized mainly through domestic efforts, but also through
emission reductions abroad. Some countries plan to use international carbon market mechanisms to acquire the Certified
Emission Reductions. Korea also plans to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a supplementary
measure to achieve our NDC. Given the Korean government has decided to update its 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction
target to 40%, using the international carbon market is essential to achieve NDC. This study aims to identify a cost-effective
way to acquire emission reductions abroad using the international carbon market. According to UNFCCC, the sustainable
development mechanism under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will be developed based on CDM under the Kyoto Protocol.
This study reviews and analyzes the greenhouse gas mitigation cost of past CDM projects implemented under the Kyoto
Protocol. CDMs allow to transfer emission reductions between countries. This study analyzes the cost-effectiveness of different
CDM projects, especially those in Malaysia, by estimating marginal abatement cost. This study focuses on small-hydro, landfill
gas, biomass energy, fuel switching, energy efficiency and methane avoidance CDM projects in Malaysia and estimates the
marginal abatement cost (CER price). Methane avoidance projects had the lowest marginal abatement cost, indicating that they
were the most cost-effective CDM projects in Malaysia.
CDM, Clean Development Mechanism, Marginal Abatement Costs, Carbon Price, Certified Emission Reductions