
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
칠레 CDM 사업의 온실가스 감축비용 분석
Estimation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Abatement Cost of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Activities in Chile
Noh, Dong-Woon
The GHG emission abatement costs of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects are needed to forecast the abatement
cost of the cooperative approaches and the sustainable mechanism of the Paris Agreement. The purpose of this paper is to
estimate the GHG emission abatement cost of CDM projects in Chile using three kinds of investment analysis: simple cost
analysis, investment comparison, and benchmark analysis. The average abatement cost of 53 CDM projects is $13.87/tCO2
(2020 price). The cost of wind projects is the highest ($22.64/tCO2), followed by fuel switch ($22.39/tCO2), biomass
($16.19/tCO2), PV16.17/tCO2), small hydro ($11.33/tCO2), methane recovery ($10.60/tCO2), and LFG ($4.35/tCO2). Economies
of scale are a factor in wind, LFG and methane avoidance projects, while higher investment leads to higher abatement cost
for small hydro, PV, wind and biomass. Economies of time are a factor in LFG, and wind, LFG, and small hydro are affected
by technology development. There was a relationship between abatement cost and share of CDM activities for small hydro,
biomass and fuel switch. Cost-effective mitigation strategy is to consider projects with higher mitigation potential at the same
marginal abatement cost (MAC). A cost-effective strategy at a MAC of $10-20/tCO2 is to consider LFG, wind/methane
avoidance, PV, biomass, small hydro. The cost-effective strategy at a MAC of over $30/tCO2 is to consider wind, PV, biomass,
small hydro.
GHG Emission Abatement Cost, Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC), Certified Emission Reduction, Clean Development Mechanism, Investment Analysis, Additionality