
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
InVEST Carbon 모형을 활용한 수도권정비계획법 상 권역 별
토지이용변화와 탄소저장량 변화 분석
Analysis of Land Use Changes and Carbon Storage by Region under the Seoul
Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act Using the InVEST Carbon Model
황진후* , 최유영** , 유영재* , Sun Zhemin* , 조효진*** , 전성우****†
Hwang, Jinhoo* , Choi, Yuyoung** , Yoo, Youngjae* , Sun, Zhemin* , Cho, Hyo Jin*** , Jeon, Seongwoo****†
Carbon storage is a critical ecosystem service function and has recently been affected by land use change and urbanization.
In this study, the change in carbon storage was estimated by analyzing changes in land use by region under the Seoul
Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act and utilizing the InVEST Carbon model. Based on this analysis of land use
change, the Overconcentration Control Region (OCR) showed low urban growth rates and low deforestation rates the Growth
Management Region (GMR) showed high urban growth rates and high deforestation rates and the Nature Preservation Region
(NPR) showed high urban growth rates and low deforestation rates. The smallest loss in carbon storage occurred in the NPR,
while significant losses were observed in OCR and GMR. According to our analysis considering carbon sink, the amounts
of above and below biomass increased slightly, but the amounts of soil carbon and dead organic matter significantly decreased.
This study highlighted land use and carbon management in two ways. First, the region's need for land use and carbon
management policies was emphasized by analyzing changes in land use and carbon storage by region. Especially, cities in the
GMR with the most significant development pressure currently have fewer means of suppressing development, including
establishing protected areas. There is a need to establish regional policies that can manage these issues and minimize the
reduction of carbon storage. The second is the importance of soil carbon. Soil carbon accounts for the most significant portions
of carbon sink. Thus, it is confirmed that the reduction of soil carbon due to urbanization of land other than forest areas has
a significant impact on the total carbon volume, which is necessary for the integrated management of soil carbon.
Land Use Change, Carbon Storage, Land Management, InVEST Model, Climate Change