
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
한국 중장기 온실가스 감축목표 평가: 형평성에 기초한 감축분담 메타분석
Evaluation of Korea’s Mid- and Long-Term Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Targets:
Meta-Analysis of Burden Sharing Based on Equity
Ko, Doyeon
To achieve the long-term global temperature targets set forth in the Paris Agreement to minimize the negative impact of
the climate crisis, it is necessary to evaluate the mid- and long-term greenhouse gas mitigation targets of each country and
present standards to encourage more ambitious targets. In the same context, burden-sharing discussions continue to produce
targets in a top-down manner based on various equity perspectives. However, the methodological diversity inherent in
individually conducted studies makes it difficult to generalize and discuss results. This study comprehensively collects and
reviews burden-sharing studies conducted to more specifically propose the appropriate level of effort in South Korea to achieve
global goals.
Climate Crisis, Top-Down, Equity, Burden-Sharing, Meta-Analysis, NDC, LEDS