
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
CMIP6 다중모델 기반 동아시아 현재기후 재현성 평가
Assessment of Model Performance in East Asia Based on the CMIP6 Multi-Model Ensemble
이재희* , 성현민**† , 김지선* , 심성보** , 하종철*** , 변영화*** , 김연희***
Lee, Jae-Hee* , Sung, Hyun Min**† , Kim, Jisun* , Shim, Sungbo** , Ha, Jong-Chul***
, Byun, Young-Hwa*** , Kim, Yeon-Hee***
This study evaluates the performances of 38 global climate models used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase
6 (CMIP6) for simulating present-day (1995 ~ 2014) climatological temperature and precipitation for the East Asian region. The
simulated results of the CMIP6 multi-model ensembles show that overall spatial distribution is similar to that of the reanalysis
data. In winter (December-January-February DJF), temperature and precipitation biases are 0.62°C and 0.11 mm,
respectively. Also, in summer (June-July-August JJA), temperature and precipitation biases are 0.28°C and 0.22 mm,
respectively. Additionally, we evaluate four climate extreme indices (TXx, TNn, R95p, Rx5day) compared with ERA5 and
HadEX3 data. Simulated extreme temperature-related indices are well reproduced in the present-day, although the daily
maximum and minimum temperature show negative and positive bias, respectively. Using the precipitation indies, the result
of CMIP6 models is underestimated compared to reanalysis data. This is a typical feature of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
simulated from CMIP climate models. Taking into account model validation and uncertainty estimation, this study demonstrates
simulated performance of CMIP6 models for the present-day period.
CMIP6, East Asia, Multi-Model, Performance, Present-day