
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
국가혁신시스템 관점에서 바라본, SDGs 달성을 위한 과학·기술·혁신 지표 개발 탐색적 연구
Research on Indicator Development on Science·Technology·Innovation for SDGs from the Perspective of a National Innovation System
김기만* , 오채운**† , 이효은***
Kim, Kiman* , Oh, Chaewoon**† , Lee, Hyoeun***
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015, by the United Nations (UN). In achieving the SDGs,
science·technology·innovation (STI) has been emphasized as one of means of implementation in achieving SDGs. Hence, in
order to reflect an STI perspective, the UN established the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) in September 2015.
One of the main activities of the TFM is to formulate the guideline of ‘STI for SDGs Roadmaps’ and to encourage countries
to create such individual national roadmaps. Along this line of work, recent discussion has centered around the development
of indicators to measure activities and performance of STI for SDGs. This engendered a series of questions regarding i) what
the proper STI indicators are for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of SDGs, ii) whether and what kinds of STI
indicators are needed, iii) and how STI indicators are to be reflected at the global and national levels. Based on these, this
paper attempts to explore whether and what kinds of STI indicators are reflected in the current indicators of the UN-SDGs
and Korean SDGs (K-SDGs). For this analysis, this paper reviews the existing STI indicators in use, takes a national
innovation system (NIS) perspective as a theoretical basis, and formulates four STI criteria and related specific STI indicators:
i) R&D input and output, ii) STI institution/governance, iii) STI network, and iv) STI infrastructure. With four categories and
their respective indicators, this paper examines how the indicators of the UN-SDGs and K-SDGs are relevant to the STI
indicators and draws policy implications for each criterion. The analytical result reveals that the indicators of the UN-SDGs
and K-SDGs include the STI indicators of all four criteria, though the patterns of reflection are different. This paper ends
with some ideas for future policy and research approaches to the STI indicators for SDGs.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Science·Technology·Innovation (STI), National Sti Roadmap, National System Of Innovation (NSI), Korean SDGs (K-SDGs), Sti Indicators