
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
젠더 차이를 고려한 기후변화 연구 리뷰
Gender Perspectives on Climate Change: A Review
송시원* , 최용상**† , 전혜숙*** , 강효지**** , 성창모***** , 백희영****** , 이혜숙*******
Song, Siwon*, Choi, Yong-Sang**†, Jeon, HyeSook***, Kang, Hyoji****, Sung, Changmo*****,
Paik, Hee-Young****** and Lee, Heisook*******
This study reviews literatures on gender perspectives of climate change over 20 years (2000-2019). Such studies have
steadily increased since 2008 and surged in 2019 due to multiple international conventions. Among these, literatures about
gender sensitivity are more abundant than are those about gender responsiveness (73% vs. 27%). Likewise, climate change
adaptation studies were significantly more frequent in comparison to climate change mitigation studies (83% vs. 17%).
Geographically, a majority of studies deal with issues in developing countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. The present study
classifies literatures into four categories: climate change adaptation-gender sensitivity (AS), climate change adaptation-gender
responsiveness (AR), climate change mitigation-gender sensitivity (MS), and climate change mitigation-gender responsiveness
(MR). Analysis shows that vulnerability and inequality are the main subjects of AS studies, while gender differences comprise
most MS studies. Educational/financial/technological support is the main subject of both AR and MR studies. However,
technical studies are scarce in all categories. To summarize these studies, due to the combination of biological vulnerability
and social inequality, women suffer from increased workload under climate change. In many developing countries, women
are not given the social rights to overcome these challenges. Although efforts to find political and technical solutions to these
issues are underway, many are ineffective women should actively participate in the effort to achieve gender equality. This
review concludes that i) Research on climate change and gender is advancing in line with international conventions. ii)
Research on this subject is being actively conducted in many developed countries, but not in South Korea. iii) Gender
perspectives on climate change will introduce more effective application of scientific findings to society. It is expected that
this review paper works as a catalyst for more scientists to pay attention to gender issues related to the climate change.
Climate change, Gender, Mitigation, Adaptation, Sensitivity, Responsiveness