
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
패널모형을 활용한 논벼 수량성과 온도조건 간의 상관성 분석: 3개 농업기후지대의 지역성 비교를 중심으로
A Panel Analysis on the Locality of Paddy Rice Yield’s Response to Temperature
Conditions: The Case of South Korean Municipalities
김승민* , 황정하* , 한지완* , 김관수**†
Kim, Seung Min* , Hwang, Jeong Ha* , Han, Ji Wan* and Kim, Kwansoo**†
The impact of climate change on paddy rice yield is thought to be spatially heterogeneous and local. We analyzed the
relationship between climate factors and paddy rice yield over the past 18 years using fine-scale gridded weather data,
temperature bin-based degree days, and unobserved effect panel model. A 1-km-resolution PRISM dataset was added to the
national map of paddy rice distribution. Extreme weather events and technological changes were also considered afterwards.
A model with temporal and spatial autocorrelation correction showed large disparities in rice yield response to temperature
conditions over different agroclimatic zones and growth stages. Integration of crop growth models and the expansion of
included weather variables could lead to further advancements in this approach to modeling paddy rice yield response.
Climate Change, Paddy Rice, Rice Yield, Degree Days, Gridded Weather Data