
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
Impacts of Climate Change, Income Change, and Mitigation Measures on CO2 Emission
in the Korean Residential Sector in 2050
Impacts of Climate Change, Income Change, and Mitigation Measures on CO2 Emission
in the Korean Residential Sector in 2050
Park, Chan*†, Tatsuya, Hanaoka**, Toshihiko, Masui***, Lee, Dongkun**** and Jung, Taeyong*****
Park, Chan*†, Tatsuya, Hanaoka**, Toshihiko, Masui***, Lee, Dongkun**** and Jung, Taeyong*****
This study analyzes potential CO2 emission pathways in the Korean residential sector by using the bottom-up
optimization model, AIM/Enduse. This study focuses on: 1) estimating potential emissions considering future
changes in population, GDP, and temperature, 2) assessing the mitigation potential of CO2 with a mitigation
measures including carbon tax. 3) discussing co-benefits of air pollutants mitigation such as NOx, SO2 in the context
of climate mitigation measures in the Korean residential sector. As a result, population and GDP variation shows
an overwhelming impact on CO2 emission. Climate change may help to reduce energy consumption and CO2
emission in Korea due to heating and hot-water use demand decreasing. The carbon tax of 20, 50, 100, 200, 300,
500, 1000 US$/tCO2 in 2050 can reduce 1.0%, 2.5%, 3.6%, 9.6%, 12.2%, 14.1%, and 19.7% of CO2 emission
respectively compared to BaU scenario of SSP2 with current technology selection behavior based on life cycle cost.
There is also a benefit of large reduction potential of air pollutants, in the range of 5-40% reductions in with CO2
mitigation measures.
AIM/Enduse, Bottom-up approach, Socio-economic scenario, RCP scenario, co-benefit