
  • 서브비주얼배너


The Korean Society of Climate Change Research
강원도 산림의 임상별, 수종별 탄소저장량 및 온실가스 흡수량 산정
Estimation of the Carbon Stock and Greenhouse Gas Removalsby Tree Species and Forest Types in Gangwon Province
이선정 ,임종수 ,손영모 ,김래현†
Lee, Sun Jeoung, Yim, Jong-Su, Son, Yeong Mo and Kim, Raehyun†
This study was conducted to estimate of carbon stock and greenhouse gas (GHGs) removals by tree species and forest type at Gangwon province. We used a point sampling data with permanent sample plots in national forest inventory and national emission factors. GHGs emissions was caclulated using the stock change method related to K-MRV and IPCC guidance. Total carbon stock and greenhouse gas removals were high in deciduous forest and species than in coniferous. The range of annual net greenhouse gas emissions in other deciduous species was from &#8212 11,564.83 Gg CO2 yr&#8212 1 to &#8212 13,500.60 Gg CO2 yr&#8212 1 during 3 years (2011∼2013). On the other hand, coniferous forest was temporally converted to source due to reducing of growing stock in 2012. It was that growing stocks and forest area were likely to reduce by the deforestation and clear cutting. This study did not consider other carbon pools (soil and dead organic matter) due to the lack of data. This study needs to complement the activity data and emission factors, and then will find the way to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions and removals in the near future.
Biomass, Carbon Stock Change, Greenhouse Gas Inventory.